MD Series: The gate in Exhibition Square, York, UK

It seems odd that when I’m creating something that will primarily use sound that photographs would be such an important source of information. But it truly is. For example, take a look at this photo from the 1880s:

bootham2 school for the blind sign 1880

Photograph looking down Bootham Street in C.1880

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MD Series: Historic Spot the Difference, Map Edition 1

One of the most interesting ways of finding things about the area is to consult the historic maps. I’ve been consulting this interactive map from 1852. Comparing maps is like a historic spot-the-difference. So, without further ado, this is what I’ve discovered so far….

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MD Series: Did it exist in 1850? Round 1

Researching the 1850s and thus the Victorian era has been eye opening for me so far. Everything I thought I knew from general knowledge and a good BBC drama has disappeared in front of my eyes. So here’s a comprehensive rundown of:

‘Did it exist in 1850? Round 1’: Transportation

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Masters Dissertation: introducing the series


Where have I been hiding?

Hi all, sorry it’s been such a long time since the last post! They really don’t exaggerate when they say that a Master’s course takes the majority of your waking hours! But, I’m back with a new series of posts, this time focused on my new dissertation. The topic: Presenting information about the Wilberforce Memorial School for the Blind (that was based at King’s Manor), in the format of a soundscape.

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Samsung Galaxy VR

Now, I’ve talked briefly about the Samsung Gear VR before in a previous post (‘Not strictly AR gear’). But, I sumbled across this video which I think gives a better perspective of how this type of technology does function in the real world.

The video shows how the Samsung Gear VR could be used in everyday situations and highlights some interesting points such as the vulnerability that it puts the user in. I mean, if I was playing with this on a train platform I think I would be scared of having my bag snatched or just missing the train because I wasn’t aware of it arriving. It would be like reading a book but way more extreme.

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Augmented Reality technology 2016

Every year brings with it new tech and new ways to experience Augmented Reality. This year is no exception with the introduction of technology such as the ODG Smart Glasses. Click on the video below to take a look:

Although, like with Google Glass, I am slightly terrified by the idea of wearing this kind of technology all the time (think of all the normal things you would miss!). This kind of technology has a lot of potential.

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Kirkgate: The Victorian Street App

Kirkgate: The Victorian Street’ app follows a fairly similar concept to the Streetmuseum app down in London. Created by ‘York Castle Museum’ the app overlays Victorian photographs over modern shots of the city (If you look at point number 3, I think you’ll find it strangely topical).

kirkgate map

Screenshot of the map used to navigate the web version of the app

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